AIRFlying high on the principles of thermal engineering and fluid mechanics
Since 2004, ARIAMIS has acquired unique expertise in applied thermal engineering. Repeated implementation in the automotive and maritime sectors can be used in the aerospace sector. The stakes represented by thermal engineering are all the more strategic.
ARIAMIS chose specialisation over ten years ago. From an engineering firm focussed on engine layout, it quickly became a key thermal optimisation player for major car manufacturers. Comfortable both with technical challenges and strict specifications and schedules, ARIAMIS is a partner that is as reliable as it is discrete, capable of working on the most ambitious projects. Whether the final destination is on land, sea or in the air.
All the know-how acquired in thermal engineering applied to the automotive and marine sectors can perfectly well be transposed to the aerospace sector. Whether to ensure the comfort of of a fighter jet cockpit, cooling a civilian helicopter turbine, or managing temperature rises on light aircraft landing gear, ARIAMIS uses the same skills. The optimisation of thermal exchanges will always involve subsystem modelling and simulation in compliance with the client’s specifications.
Assessing thermal solutions as accurately as possible to guarantee the optimum use of each battery optimal de chaque batterie ARCHITECTURE FILE
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